as it is the most desperate desire of every girls that their eyeliner(kajal) lasts all day long so these tips are great if you are a student, and you are going to colleges and universities all day and have no time to touch up your eyeliner.
Before appyling eyeliner on your water line
- Firstly, Dry off your waterline. So what you wanna do?? Just take a cotton bud, pull down Your eye lid and just run it across the water line. So that it soaks up any moisture... Do it on the other eye in a same way
- Pick out your eyeliner... pencil or gel... and apply it on the water line.
- Last step is to take the powder eyeshadow of the same color that your eyeliner was in...Take an angled brush and apply this powder eyeshadow on to the eye lid by patting it...Eyeshadow not only intensify your eyeliner color but also helps to absorb any moisture produce in a day.
In this way your eyeliner will stay all day long

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