Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Steaming Your Face!!!

Hi girls!!!

          Today m going to tell you the method and benefits of steaming your face about which almost every woman not even bother to think about. Well steaming your face is very ancient method of deep cleansing your face.

Steaming your face once a week, will result in a glowing,healthy,acne and wrinkle free skin. (belive it or not everyone wants that skin ). Steaming widen up your clogged pores and helps them to clean, free of dirt and oil. It also provide moisture to your skin and stimulate the blood circulation.

           When you steam your face, the high temperature causes the pores to open and because of that you can easily cleanse your face off the dirts, make up traces, the excess sebum and the dead skin cells. While your pores open you can get rid of black heads from your nose and chin.

        Ideally a proper skin care routine should include the steaming your face once a week so that your skin might get rid of harmfull effect.

Keep It In Mind !!! 

  • Before steaming your face,wash your face and remove any make-up
  • Cover your hair with towel 
  • After steaming, dry your face with towel well, then apply facial mask if needed. otherwise just wash with cold water.
  • If you are effected by acne or any skin problem then you should use medical creams or special ointment after steaming,as pores are wide open.
  • After steaming , avoid applying any make up on the face and give enough time to skin to get relax.
  • After facial mask, use cold water,ice or pores astrigent lotion to close the pores.
  • Don't panic if after first session you notice blemishes. It is normal, girls.

How To Steam Your Face:

  1. Take appropriate amount of water in a wide vessel and put in on the stove. Boil it
  2. If you want, put some herbs (like rose loeaves,lemon flower,green tea etc) that suits your skin to create a fresh scent 
  3. Then boli it on low temperature for 10 mints to let herbs to extract effective stuff. 
  4. Use  your towel for covering and stand directly over the steam (for 5 to 10 mint for normal skin and for sensitive skin it should be 3-5 mint). Keep a distance from vessel so that you dont feel uncomfrotable.
  5. Dont stand too near, as your skin may get burnt if sensitive or get irritated.
  6. Once steaming is done, rinse your face with water. and after that you can use facial mask.
Now you are done here, with impurities free, smooth and glowing skin. Imagine that and feel the vibrant looking skin. 

Do it and share your views girls :)


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